September 23, 2008

Rachelle's 30th Birthday

Corey wanted to throw a surprise party for Rachelle so I volunteered to help. And he did a fantastic job keeping it a surprise!!! Here are a few pictures of the party-we let the wives sit down and eat inside and we kicked all the husbands and kids outside.
Wait until you see what happens to this cake ...
Thank you Target and Martha Stewart for decorating tips-
Here are a few of the gals in the kitchen. With the Birthday Girl in the middle.
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Yes, Paul acccidently lit the cake decorations on fire-I should have been supervising!!!

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We got 8 out of the 11 boys on the couch for seriuosly one second. Talyn, Kruz, Kyan, Parker, Logan, Cooper, Payton and Nathan. And 2 little girls not present for the photo either.
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The kids unsupervised at the end of the party-EVERY toy and book got pulled out so we couldn't even open the door.

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And here's a cute picture of our fabulous friends Corey and Rachelle. We love you both.

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